

Graduate Spotlight: For student athletes 尼古拉斯·伯吉斯 and 卡梅伦Siebert, 下一个重头戏是他们的mba

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尼古拉斯·伯吉斯在球场内外都是认真的, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in 业务 Management on his way to an MBA. (马特·德卢卡摄)

Two 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 football players who command attention on the field will shine at 2024年毕业典礼 on May 13 when they both receive undergraduate degrees from the Feliciano School of 业务. 这两名学生运动员是4+1学士/MBA项目的一部分, one of Montclair’s 80 combined programs that allow students to earn two degrees in five years.

红鹰队队长尼古拉斯·伯吉斯, 也就是" 0号特工"因为他的制服号码, 进攻线锋卡梅隆·希伯特, #64, will receive Bachelor of Science degrees in 业务 Management and Accounting, 分别. 今年夏天,他们都将回到校园攻读mba.

Football captain 尼古拉斯·伯吉斯 means business when it comes to academics. (图片由费利西亚诺商学院提供)


With Burgess’ selection as 新泽西 Athletic Conference [NJAC]’s 2023 Defensive Player of the Year, All-Region, All-District and All-Conference one might think that football is his Plan A. 这绝对是他的备用计划.

A计划一直是获得MBA学位,然后从事金融工作. “I love football, but I never had a dream of playing pro football,他说. 仍然, Burgess plans to participate in next year’s NJAC pro-scout day and “if that opportunity shows up, 我会信守承诺的. 如果不是,我对我的足球生涯很满意.”

It’s not surprising given that Burgess was named NJAC’s Academic Athlete of the Year.

但首先,他会处理好生意. “I’ve always wanted to get an MBA, regardless of the timeline,” Burgess says. “对我来说,能够在攻读本科学位的同时做到这一点, and then be able to finish it within a year is everything you could ask for. 程序就是一切,甚至更多.”

Burgess credits academic advisors with making sure that students “are on top of our stuff. 我们正在学习更多关于专业领域和一般商业的知识, and then you’re able to see how your undergrad experience applies to your graduate school experience.”

But those who know Burgess credit his accomplishments on his hard work and determination.

“他所做的一切, 他100%做到了, 无论是足球, 他的实习或他的课程,橄榄球总教练迈克·帕拉佐说. ”他关心. There’s nobody on this team or who knows Nick who can say he doesn’t care about, 不仅仅是他的成功, 但球队的成功.” 

Management Instructional Specialist Lisa Brooks Greaux has taught Burgess in four business classes the past two years and gives him high praise. 尼古拉斯坐在前排, 死点, 而且他总是很注意, 总是记笔记, 总是问问题, 但是关于他有趣的事情是, 可能因为他也是足球队的队长吧, 是他让全班同学都参与进来的吗,她说。. “So, he actually raises the bar for the rest of the class, by his participation and by his presence. 

因为他在学业上的成功, 还有在摩根士丹利金融公司实习的机会, 伯吉斯出演了一部获奖影片, 8分钟的YouTube视频标题为 A Day in the Life of 尼古拉斯·伯吉斯, Feliciano School of 业务 Student 关于明星学生的运动能力,激情和遗产. 在这, his parents Silas and Nickia Burgess say he’s worked hard and been successful as both a student and an athlete.

In the video, football teammate Mason Murdock shares that he admires Burgess’ time management skills. “我不知道他是怎么做到的, 每周工作30小时, 修了18个学分,还当上了足球队队长,他说, 他仍然会抽出时间参加课外活动. 这是疯狂的.”

伯吉斯承认“这不是一个容易的平衡,” but says he learned time management from his parents and at Cardinal Hayes High School in the Bronx, 一所天主教男校, 在搬到哈肯萨克之前, 新泽西.

“我总是在寻找更多的事情来完成,”伯吉斯说. “我最大的想法是有意为之. 我做的每件事都要考虑到我的目标.”

Burgess is looking forward to marking his graduation with his extended family but he’s especially looking forward to the celebration that accompanies Commencement. 他2020年从红衣主教海耶斯毕业的视频在YouTube上播出. “They gave students their flowers but we didn’t get to experience it together,他说. “I’m looking forward to just the atmosphere and just being a part of a graduation finally, after a long four years … being joyful and experiencing all of that with my family.”

Red Hawk football player 卡梅伦Siebert will be a first-generation college graduate, 获得会计学学士学位. (摄影:Lors Photography)


Siebert also had a COVID-19 ceremony for his high school graduation and is looking forward to Commencement. 他的父母, grandparents and aunts will be on hand to celebrate that he’s the first in his family to earn a college degree.

Although Siebert was undecided on a major when he entered Montclair, he chose the 4+1 MBA program. “The opportunity came that I could do that and also play that fifth year of football, 这就说得通了,西伯特说。, who also worked part time managing a recreational basketball team in Pequannock Township, 新泽西.

在获得MBA学位后, Siebert说, “I want to go into business to do project management or sports management.”

Associate 业务 Management Professor Te Wu had Seibert in his Project Management class. “Cameron performed very well, earning 950 points [out of 1,000 points for the class]. 这是a. A strong student, he regularly participated in class and asked ‘smart’ questions. For his research paper, he wrote an insightful report about the SoFi Stadium and its construction. 很高兴有卡梅伦在我的课上.”

Both Siebert and Burgess are committed leaders, albeit with different styles. 他们总是出现,尽管他们的日程很忙. “卡姆是团队中一个安静的领导者. 他不必说太多,但他以身作则. 四年来,他没有错过任何一次训练或锻炼, and he does the extra things that show he’s extremely dedicated to the team,帕拉佐说. “他是一个令人印象深刻的学生,因为, 很像尼克, he’s able to be a 4+1 student and you wouldn’t even know he has a heavy workload. 他很善于安排时间.”

帕拉佐总是很高兴看到他的球员毕业. 他指出,十大博彩推荐排名“不是足球工厂”, 培养职业选手,” the coach says he has one goal: “To get these guys to graduate and get a degree and get a job.”

Meanwhile, he’ll gladly welcome back both players for a fifth year of football. “尼克和卡姆都是这个项目的领导者,”帕拉佐说. “They are great role models for the rest of our team and future Red Hawks.”

Offensive lineman 卡梅伦Siebert is looking forward to a fifth year of football while he works toward his MBA. (马特·德卢卡摄)

特约撰稿人报道 西尔维娅一个. 马丁内斯.



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